spring planting

March 29th, 2012 | Posted by admin in FLOWERS | Outdoor

Spring has arrived I have to get to a nursery, garden center, anywhere I can find spring plants.  This is like dipping your toes into a cold lake for the first summer swim… I’m a bit hesitant but I so want to jump in!  I know there could be colder days ahead so I decide to just plant the small container on my little porch.  I won’t go crazy because I certainly want to save my pennies for summer stunners.  It felt so good to see all the colors and beautiful plants ready for spring at Chalet today.  My all time favorite spring annual (here in Zone 5) is Ranunculus.  It comes in red, white yellow, shades of pink and a hot orange I adore.  I decide on my pallet, a variety of purples with a bit of texture in accent plants and of course hot orange.

This planter contains two of each flowering plant, purple Osterspermum, Fantasy Blue Linaria an airy plant delicate in appearance, Angelart Orange Nemesia another smaller flower but lovely filler and Bloomingdale Tangerine Ranunculus.  The accent plants are Hermann’s Pride Dead Nettle and Creeping Wire Vine Muehlenbeckia axillaris, the coolest looking plant.  I added some curly willow as an arch above the planter and an old post of a girl with a bunny.  I could add another four plants easily, we’ll see.  My hands are dirty and I feel grand!  I am so thankful for this gorgeous day and the lovely flowers I get to enjoy.


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