recipe: tomato & cucumber salad

August 13th, 2012 | Posted by admin in RECIPES | Salads

I enjoy summer cooking for one simple reason… it is simple!  There is always something fresh in my vegetable bin after picking tomatoes from my small garden, fresh herbs and peppers, or all the other fresh veggies I cannot resist at the market.

I usually don’t cook off of a recipe, that’s why I haven’t included a great many dinners I have whipped up at the last minute for a mid-week meal in this blog.  I really don’t measure.  This simple but great tasting salad/side is an example of cooking from the vegetable bin, on the fly!  I was out of lettuce but needed to make a veggie salad… what to do?

I know I wanted to use the rest of the ripe sweet tomatoes and the mild Japanese pickle cucumbers.

I cut them both up in cubes and decided I wanted to finish off the Greek feta in the fridge.  Then I roasted a few pine nuts because I love them.  I thought about adding fresh herbs but somehow the crisp mild cucumbers and sweet juicy tomatoes with the added crunch of the nuts and wonderful feta was all I needed.  I then added 2 cloves of chopped garlic, a drizzle of olive oil, and a splash of balsamic vinegar.  Of course I add a dash of kosher salt & ground pepper.

This accompanied a grilled steak, twice baked potato, and fresh fruit.  So simple and easy with no need to go grocery shopping for the lettuce.  This is how I cook, and most times when I’m using what’s in the pantry and fridge I discover my favorite combinations.  Enjoy!



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